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Hi! I'm Dissirama

I am a digital illustrator/designer based in Accra, Ghana. As an African woman, I am moved by the beauty of the African culture and people, which continuously inspires me to create more work that shows our beauty and talent. 

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My Story

I was born in Togo but grew up in countries like Kenya, Ghana  and the United States.

Growing up, I was always into anything related to art. Often times you would see me doodling in my notebooks or spending more time than needed in Art class. But as time went on, I didn't believe I could turn my passion into a full-time job or that anyone would want to see drawings of melanated girls. So, I focused on other things.


It wasn't until one day when I was scrolling through Pinterest, that I found a page promoting digital artworks of black women being bold and beautiful. At that moment, I felt so inspired to see other black women portrayed this way and I thought to myself, "you could do the same, don't let your talent go to waste."


So, I decided to start sharing the artworks that I did as a hobby on Instagram. Fast forward to 4 years later and here I am making my dream of being an illustrator a reality. My passion now is creating illustrations that portray the beauty and culture of African people and people of color. It is my hope that other people seeing my drawings are able to see themselves and be inspired to embrace their own beauty. I hope to work on more collaborations/projects that create a positive impact in the world. 


I want to thank my family, friends and followers for giving me this platform to share my God given talent.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect & create magic.

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